The Malaysian government has announced the second phase for Movement Control Order that will be enforced from 1st April 2020 to 14th April 2020 to curb the spread of the Coronavirus outbreak. We have decided that we will continue operations at Washhouse Laundry & Services.
Here is how we're keeping you and our team:
During pickup and deliveries, our Crew are required to observe social distance by minimising any physical contact with clients, place their laundry in disposable plastic bags which will be disposed off once we launder the clothes. Keep us informed with instructions of where to leave your laundry.
We encourage our customer to make payment online with our existing payment method to minimise physical contact with bills and coins.
Driver are also encouraged to increase personal hygiene practices by use of hand sanitizers and soaps to keep hands and body clean from possible exposure to the virus. Please refer to the guidelines by Ministry of Health attached on ways to protect yourself from the virus.
Our physical shop will be closed during the Second Phase of Movement Control Order. During this second phase of Movement Control Order kindly expect some delays in our services.
If you have any questions on the matter, do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Stay safe out there!